Stirred, Not Shaken

An old-time house-painter once insisted that paint should be stirred and different cans “boxed” together to bring out the greatest consistency of color and uniformity of coverage.  In much the same way, Paul writes to Timothy to “stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.”

CCADA (Cornerstone Christian Artist Day Apart) just celebrated its 3rd annual art show this past weekend.  Each of us as artists had the opportunity to show how God had stirred within each of us a gift-not always the same gift, yet sometimes something very similar.  There were oil paintings, pencil sketches, colored pencil pieces, photography, natural art, poetry, and music.

Our talents are varied-not surprising since God’s gifts are infinite.  Rather than shaking us to see what might fall out, God has been slowly and steadily stirring us in ways that have helped us to discover, develop, and deploy our talents.  That stirring sometimes comes in the form of challenges that cause us to expand our horizons.  Sometimes it comes in the form of encouragement that spurs us on to try new things.  Regardless, what rises to the surface with the stirring is something that began when God laid His hand on each of us.  He has given each of us new ways to express our love and devotion to Him and a greater appreciation for all of His handiwork.  While we may not all be artists, musicians, or writers (or possibly all three), once God touches our lives, He begins to stir gifts to the surface of our lives.  Our fulfillment in Him becomes more complete once we begin to recognize the gifts He has given and then do something about them.

Last year’s show had just over 70 pieces entered.  This year we had over 170 pieces on display.  God just keeps on stirring and the gifts keep on springing up.  Pretty exciting, yes?